PCPrincipal is a task storing management system with marking/unmarking featurefor all tasks.
java -jar PCPrincipal-v3.0.jar
file created where you store PCPrincipal to store all tasks in the task list.Note:
and Event
must be in this format: DD/MM/YYYY HHmm
. E.g: 1/1/2020 2359
and Event
) have a unique date. I.e. no two tasks should have the same date.Help
: Displays all commandsExpected outcome:
Todo <Task name>
: Add a Todo<Task name>
into the task list.Todo Buy Pencil
Expected outcome:
Deadline <Task name> /by DD/MM/YYYY HHmm
: Adds a deadline<Task name>
with the deadline DD/MM/YYYY HHmm
into the list.deadline IP Task /by 18/2/2022 2359
Expected outcome:
Event <Task name> /at DD/MM/YYYY HH mm
: Adds an event<Task name>
with the event date DD/MM/YYYY HHmm
into the list.event CS2103 Practical /at 16/4/2022 2359
Expected outcome:
: Shows all the taskExpected outcome:
Mark <index number>
: Marks tasksindex number
of the task list.mark 2
Initial Outcome:
Expected Outcome:
Unmark <index number>
: Unmarks tasksindex number
of the task list.Unmark 2
Initial Outcome:
Expected Outcome:
Find <Keyword>
: Finds all tasks with the keywordkeyword
.Find CS2103
Expected Outcome:
Deletes <index number>
: Deletes tasksindex number
of the task list.Delete 2
Initial Outcome:
Expected Outcome:
: Exits PCPrincipalPCPrincipal will exit.